How to Hunt Deer

How to Hunt Deer in 2023 – Complete Guide

Deer hunting is a popular pastime in many parts of the world. It can be a great way to spend time with friends or family, and it’s also a great way to get some exercise. But if you’ve never been deer hunting before, it can be a bit daunting.

Don’t worry – we’re here to help. In this blog post, we will give you some tips on How to Hunt Deer. We will cover topics such as what gear you need, how to find deer, and how to make sure you are safe while hunting. So read on for everything you need to know about deer hunting!

The Different Types of Deer

There are many different types of deer, but the most popular ones to hunt are white-tailed deer, mule deer, and elk. Each type of deer has its own unique set of characteristics that make it a challenge to hunt.

White-tailed deer are the smallest of the three, but they are also the most abundant. This makes them a popular choice for hunters looking to bag a deer on their first hunt. Mule deer are larger than white-tailed deer, and they are known for their large antlers. Elk are the largest of the three, and they are prized for their meat.

All three types of deer can be found in North America, but mule deer and elk are more common in the western United States while white-tailed deer populate eastern states more densely.

Where to Find Deer

There are a few surefire ways to find deer when you’re out hunting. First, look for areas where there is a lot of fresh deer signs, such as tracks, droppings, or chewed-up vegetation. These are all good indications that deer are frequenting the area.

Another good method is to find a high vantage point and scan the area with binoculars. You’re looking for movement in the brush or trees that could be deer. If you see something moving, pay attention to the direction it’s going and try to intercept its path.

Finally, don’t forget to pay attention to your own senses while you’re out hunting. If you hear something rustling in the leaves, smell something strange, or see something out of the corner of your eye, there’s a good chance it could be a deer. Stay alert and be ready to take a shot if you encounter one!

What Time of Year to Hunt Deer

The best time of year to hunt deer is during the fall season. This is when the deer are in their mating season, which means they are more active and easier to spot. The weather is also cooler during this time, making it more comfortable for hunters to be out in the woods.

What to Bring When Hunting Deer

When hunting deer, it is important to be prepared. Here is a list of items you should bring with you on your hunt:

  • A rifle or shotgun. If you are using a rifle, make sure to bring ammunition that is appropriate for the caliber of your gun.
  • A hunting knife. This will come in handy if you need to field dress your deer after harvest.
  • A first aid kit. In case of any accidents, it’s always good to be prepared.
  • Binoculars. These will help you spot deer from a distance.
  • Calls. Using calls can help attract deer to your location.
  • Scent eliminator products. These can help reduce your human scent, making it less likely for deer to detect you.
  • Clothing that blends in with your surroundings. Wearing camouflage will help you stay hidden from deer while you’re hunting them.

How to Hunt Deer After Tracking

To track a deer, you will need to follow its tracks. You can do this by looking for its hoof prints in the mud or snow. Look for a line of prints that are close together and have a similar shape. If you find a set of tracks, follow them until you find the deer.

When tracking a deer, it is important to pay attention to the environment. Look for things like broken branches or disturbed leaves. These can help you identify where the deer has gone. If you are having trouble finding the tracks, try using a tracking stick. This will help you see the hoof prints more clearly.

Once you have found the deer, be sure to stay downwind so that it does not smell you. If it does smell you, it will likely run away. When you are ready to take your shot, make sure that you are calm and steady in your hand. Aim for the head or heart area so that you can quickly kill the deer and minimize its suffering.

How to Field Dress a Deer

Field dressing a deer is an important task that every hunter should know how to do. The process is not difficult, but there are a few key steps that must be followed in order to ensure that the meat is safe to eat.

  1. First, you will need to find a suitable place to field dress the deer. It is important to find a spot that is away from any potential sources of contamination, such as areas where other animals may have urinated or defecated. A good spot would be in the open away from any trees or bushes.
  2. Once you have found a suitable spot, lay the deer on its back and use your knife to make a slit down the center of the belly all the way up to the breastbone. Be careful not to puncture any of the internal organs.
  3. Next, reach inside the cavity and begin removing the entrails by hand. Start with the large intestine and then move on to the smaller intestine, stomach, and finally the bladder and reproductive organs. Be sure to remove all of these organs completely; leaving any behind could contaminate the meat.
  4. Once all of the entrails have been removed, you can now rinse out the cavity with clean water (if available) to remove any remaining blood or tissue matter. Some hunters also like to stuff the cavity with snow or ice at this point in order to help keep the meat cool during transport back home.
  5. Finally, you will need to remove the hide from the deer. This can be done by making a slit down the center of the belly and then peeling the hide away from the meat. Alternatively, you can make cuts around the legs and then pull the hide off like a sock.

Once the deer has been field dressed, it is important to transport it to a cool location as soon as possible in order to prevent the meat from spoiling. If you are not planning on eating the meat right away, it can be frozen for later use.


Hunting deer can be a fun and challenging way to get outside and connect with nature. By following these tips, you can increase your chances of success the next time you go deer hunting. Remember to be patient, stay calm, and be quiet while you’re out in the woods. Most importantly, have fun and enjoy the experience!


When is the best time to hunt deer?

The best time to hunt deer is in the early morning or late evening when they are most active.

Where is the best place to hunt deer?

There is no one perfect place to hunt deer, as they can be found in a variety of habitats. However, some good places to look for deer are in fields, near woods, or near water sources.

What is the best way to attract deer?

One way to attract deer is by using a Deer Call, which imitates the sound of a doe in heat and can bring bucks running from far away. Another way to attract deer is by using bait, such as corn or apples, which will lure them into your hunting area.

What are some common mistakes people make when hunting deer?

Some common mistakes people make when hunting deer include making too much noise, not being patient enough, and not having proper camouflage.

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