How to Use Deer Urine for Hunting

How to Use Deer Urine for Hunting – Complete Guide

Deer urine is a great tool for hunting, but it needs to be used properly in order for it to be effective. In this blog post, we will explore How to Use Deer Urine for Hunting, so that you can take advantage of its benefits. We will cover topics such as where to get deer urine, how to store it, and how to apply it while hunting. By the end of this post, you will know everything you need to know about using deer urine for hunting.

What is Deer Urine?

Deer urine is a natural attractant for deer and can be used to lure them into an area for hunting purposes. The scent of deer urine is strong and can be detected by deer from a distance, making it an effective way to bring them into range. Deer urine can be purchased in liquid form, or as a powder that can be dissolved in water.

How to Use Deer Urine for Hunting

Deer urine can be used for hunting in a number of ways. It can be used as a cover scent, to attract deer, or to mask human scent. When using deer urine as a cover scent, it is best to apply it to your clothing or gear before heading out into the woods. This will help to mask your own human scent and make you less detectable to deer.

Deer urine can also be used as an attractant, by placing it on a cotton ball or piece of cloth and hanging it near your hunting stand or blind. The strong smell of deer urine will often attract deer to the area, giving you a better chance of getting a shot.

Finally, deer urine can also be used to mask your human scent. If you are concerned about being detectable by deer, you can apply deer urine to your clothing or gear before heading out into the woods. This will help to mask your own human scent and make it more difficult for deer to pick up on your presence.

The Benefits of Using Deer Urine

Deer urine is an effective attractant for deer and can be used to lure them into areas where they can be hunted. There are a number of benefits to using deer urine when hunting, including:

1. Deer are attracted to the scent of urine, making it easier to locate them.

2. Urine can be used to create a mock scrape, which will attract deer to the area.

3. Deer urine can be used as a cover scent, helping to conceal the hunter’s smell.

4. Urine can also be used to bait traps, providing an easy way to catch deer.

5. Finally, deer urine is a valuable commodity and can be sold or traded for other hunting supplies.

The Disadvantages of Using Deer Urine

When it comes to deer hunting, using urine as an attractant can be controversial. Some hunters believe that it gives them an edge, while others believe that it can actually hinder their chances of success. So, what are the disadvantages of using deer urine?

First and foremost, deer urine can attract predators. If you’re spraying it around in the woods, you could be inadvertently attracting coyotes or bears into the area. This is obviously not ideal if you’re trying to avoid being detected by these animals.

Second, deer urine can also attract other hunters. If you’re using it to lure in deer, there’s a good chance that other hunters will be able to smell it too. This could lead to competition for the same animal, which is something most hunters want to avoid.

Third, deer urine can spoil quickly. If you’re not careful about how you store it, the scent can start to deteriorate within days or even hours. This means that you’ll have to reapply it more often, which can be a hassle (and expensive).

Fourth, some people believe that using deer urine is unethical. They argue that it’s unfair to the animal because it’s essentially being tricked into coming into range. While this is a valid concern, ultimately the decision of whether or not to use deer urine is up to the individual hunter.

Finally, keep in mind that using deer urine won’t guarantee success. Even if you do everything right, there’s always a chance that the deer will smell you before you see it. In other words, don’t get your hopes up too much!

Despite these disadvantages, many hunters still believe that using deer urine can be beneficial. If you decide to give it a try, just be sure to take all of the above into consideration.

You can visit our other blog: How To Get Deer To Come Out During The Day


Deer urine is an effective way to attract deer, but it should be used in moderation. Too much deer urine will actually repel deer and make them avoid the area entirely. When using deer urine for hunting, be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and take care not to overdo it. With a little trial and error, you’ll be able to find the perfect balance that will help you attract the deer you’re looking for.


What is deer urine?

Deer urine is simply the urine of a deer. It’s often used by hunters as an attractant because it can mimic the scent of a doe in heat, which can attract bucks looking to mate

How do I use deer urine for hunting?

There are a few different ways you can use deer urine when hunting. You can apply it to your clothing or gear, or even directly to your body. You can also use it to create mock scrapes or rubs, which can simulate the scent trails that bucks naturally create when they urinate on trees or bushes.

Where can I buy deer urine?

You can buy deer urine online or at some hunting supply stores. However, be sure to check the regulations in your state or province before purchasing or using any type of attractant, as they may be banned in some areas.

Is there anything else I should know about using deer urine for hunting?

Yes – always take care to avoid contact with fresh urine, as it may contain bacteria that can cause disease in humans. If you do come into contact with fresh urine, be sure to wash your hands and clothes thoroughly afterwards.

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