When to use doe urine

When to use doe urine in 2023

Doe urine has gained popularity among deer hunters as an effective deer scent for attracting both does and bucks. Its versatility makes it suitable for various hunting stages, including the early season, rut, and post-rut. In this detailed guide, we will explore when to use doe urine during each phase, discuss different application techniques, and provide valuable tips to enhance your hunting success.

When to use doe urine

Doe urine can be used in various hunting scenarios to attract deer. The specific timing for using doe urine depends on the hunting season and the behavior of deer during different phases. Here’s a breakdown of when to use doe urine:

1. Doe Urine in Early Season

During the early season, before the rut begins, doe urine serves as an excellent choice to calm deer and facilitate a closer approach. Additionally, it can be employed to create mock scrapes, which entice bucks during the pre-rut and post-rut periods.

Calming Deer

1. The soothing effect of doe urine on deer behavior.
2. Creating a relaxed atmosphere to attract deer.

Mock Scrapes

1. Understanding the purpose and significance of mock scrapes.
2. How to utilize doe urine effectively in mock scrape setups.
3. Timing considerations for mock scrape deployment.

2. Use Doe Urine During the Rut

While doe urine remains useful during the rut, it becomes less effective due to bucks’ increased interest in the scent of estrous does. However, when combined with other scents like buck urine or estrous doe urine, doe urine can still attract bucks effectively.

Scent Preferences During the Rut

1. Bucks’ heightened interest in estrous doe scents.
2. Enhancing the allure of doe urine with complementary scents.

Strategic Use of Doe Urine

1. Creating a multi-scent approach to maximize attraction during the rut.
2. Selecting prime locations for deploying doe urine in rut hunting scenarios.

3. Doe Urine in the Post-Rut

During the post-rut phase, when bucks are actively seeking does for breeding, doe urine can play a significant role in attracting bucks and encouraging their presence in a particular area.

Luring Bucks

1. Capitalizing on post-rut buck behavior and preferences.
2. Drawing bucks to your hunting area using doe urine.

Scent Placement Strategies

1. Identifying optimal areas to place doe urine for post-rut hunting.
2. Considering food sources, travel corridors, and bedding areas.

Application Techniques for Doe Urine

To maximize the effectiveness of doe urine, employing appropriate application techniques is crucial. This section explores different methods for using doe urine in the field.

1. Dragging

1. Creating a scent trail with doe urine for attracting deer.
2. Best practices for dragging doe urine to enhance effectiveness.

2. Bagging

1. Strategically positioning doe urine bags near key deer locations.
2. Leveraging bagged doe urine for consistent attraction throughout the season.

3. Spraying

1. Directly applying doe urine to the ground or vegetation.
2. Concentrated scent creation and its impact on deer attraction.

Tips for Using Doe Urine

These practical tips will help you make the most of your doe urine applications and increase your chances of a successful hunt.

  • Use a quality doe urine product: There are many different doe urine products on the market, so it is important to use a quality product that will be effective.
  • Use the right amount of scent: Too much scent can be overwhelming to deer, so it is important to use the right amount. A good rule of thumb is to use a small amount of scent and then increase the amount as needed.
  • Use the scent in the right places: Doe urine should be used in areas where deer are likely to travel or feed. This could include food plots, trails, or bedding areas.
  • Be patient: It may take some time for deer to become attracted to the scent of doe urine. Be patient and persistent, and you will eventually be rewarded with a successful hunt.


Doe urine serves as a versatile and valuable tool for deer hunters seeking to attract deer throughout the hunting season. By understanding the different applications and best practices outlined in this comprehensive guide, hunters can optimize their use of doe urine and significantly enhance their chances of a successful and rewarding hunting experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. When is the best time to use doe urine?

    The best time to use doe urine is during the early season, before the rut. This is because bucks are more interested in the scent of estrous does during the rut, and doe urine can help to calm deer and make them more approachable.

  2. Where should I use doe urine?

    Doe urine should be used in areas where deer are likely to travel or feed. This could include food plots, trails, or bedding areas.

  3. How effective is doe urine?

    The effectiveness of doe urine can vary depending on the product, the time of year, and the hunter’s technique. However, when used correctly, doe urine can be an effective way to attract deer and increase your chances of success.

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